The Path of
For centuries, shamans were seen as intermediaries between what on Earth and this what is spiritual. They had the ease of travelling between these two worlds. At the sound of a drum, which, like a horse for a rider, gave rhythm to their journeys by transferring brain waves to other frequencies, they would fall into a trance carrying messages from unseen realms. Shamans were an important part of the community as they gave people knowledge (e.g. where to find food), prophecies, prophetic dreams, visions. They healed and performed the rituals and ceremonies that were once such an important part of community and tribal life. In their journeys they sometimes relied on the help of sacred plants but mostly on the help of their guardian spirits in other dimensions of reality.
What is the Path of Shamanism for me?
For me It is like the breath of the Earth, the breath of nature, the breath of all that is visible and invisible, the breath of mystery, the breath of life in connection with the Source. Everything that surrounds us has a spirit - a soul - and with this energy it is connected into one big energy web that binds not only the Earth but also the whole Universe. Every thought, every behavior, every choice affects our surroundings and this grid of connections and it is only up to us what we vibrate with and send out into space. Whether it is fear, anger, jealousy, lack, or love, gratitude, joy and compassion. And I am not just thinking of the other person but the flower we pick or the stone we kick. They “feel” too, and if we treat them with due respect and gratitude for their presence and beauty, they can repay us with the most beautiful healing and message for us that we need at that moment.
From a very young age, I felt that there was something more than the world they present at home and at school. I talked to God, to the trees, to the stones feeling their presence, their spirit, their breath. I felt that I was protected by guardian spirits. In even the most critical moments of my life, some part of me knew that everything would be alright and it was.
Since the vision of the Path of Conscious Conception in 2011 at a workshop with grandmothers (more information in "My path") where I also got my spiritual name at the same time, I have been following the shamanic path in order to give others the impulse, through the right choice of tools, to be their own shamans, healers, to find answers and solutions themselves and I am just an observer and witness to their extraordinary journeys into themselves.
I travel between the earthly and the shrouded in mystery, with the help of my guardian spirits and my teachers from this world and not of this world. Each journey is unusual and unique as each of us is different and needs something different for that moment. It is an extraordinary experience and a privilege to be such an intermediary not only for myself but also for other entities, spirits and souls.
My passion is to help people reconnect with the spirit of nature whether to regain their life energy, to heal or to live more fully. If you would like to experience this and see the world and what surrounds us from a different perspective, as a living multidimensional organism, connected to each of us, then I invite you to join me on this journey. I can help you create the right ritual or ceremony to take you on this voyage. And in the words of one of my teachers, "ritual is the space where we can safely remember that a wild, raw, untameable dreamer is a core part of who and what we are”
I see you, I hear you, I am here for you...we are here for each other…
I price my shamanic sessions on a donation basis. You determine how much you are able to pay.