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My Path

Shamans in various traditions say that life is a dream and that we dream it ourselves here on this Earth. If this is so, then my life is like the most beautiful dream that I have come to dream. Every step I have taken on the path of my life from conception and even before… from the thought, the flash before conception, to now, is so precious and important that I would not trade it for any other.

For as long as I can remember, since I was a child, my unusual sensitivity to what was around me was wonderful and extraordinary at the same time, as it gave a connection to what was in the visible and invisible world. A personal connection with God-Source gave a sense that there was something more to this world, something that drives it, creates it, makes that the new day comes, the sun rises, the moon sets, the waves lap the sandy shores, the river flows. I was fascinated by this mystery.

My life was “normal” until, after university and a corporate job, the paths of my search for both myself and this mystery took me to India for 2 years. I travelled, met amazing people and places that opened me to the spiritual world more and more. Signs on my path showed me that I should go to Calcutta. There, fate threw me into one of Mother Teresa's homes for disabled children. Working there, communing with their innocence and happiness despite their disability, changed my life forever, giving me the space and the will to work with people and especially with children.

Another turning point in my life was doing the first of three Vipassanas in India, which gave new insights into my spirituality, the mystery and the direction in which I am going.

During my last trip to India in 2010, I started to get sick. Was it a shamanic illness? Maybe...Healing came through me over the next 3 years. Subsequent workshops, energy sessions, shamanic sessions brought more elements on the path to self-healing. Today I know that the path I was on, the path I chose as a soul for my earthly journey, had, has and will continue to have a heart and is in line with my calling that has been coming to me over the years.

The first time the children's souls and the ability to communicate with them came to me at one of the shamanic workshops in 2011 with Grandmothers Circling the World. Although the vision was so powerful and clear, I was frightened by it and did not understand it at first.  At that time I thought I should become a doula and accompany women to birth. So I completed the relevant courses and started my doula path. I supported women from single mothers' homes on their journey to motherhood. All this time, however, I felt my heart and soul calling for something else. Child souls were calling to me in my meditations, in my shamanic journeys, in my insights. I was afraid of what came, what was so difficult to accept in the rational world. I came across Walter Makichen's book 'Spirit Babies’ and understood that this gift cannot be kept to oneself, that it has to be shared with people who want children so much and with the souls of children who want so much to come into this world.

It has been more than 10 years since I found my soul path. During this time I have continued to educate myself on the body and energy work path, the spiritual path, the healing path and the shamanic path. My teachers for whom I am immensely grateful are Indian and Tibetan massage and healing teachers, Grandmother Arapata, Sage Emery, Dance and Shamanic teachers Ya'Acov and Susannah Darling Khan, Caroline Carey, David Mooney, Adam Barley, and Sandra Ingerman, Ariella Daly, and also many Polish teachers incl. Tanna Jakubowicz-Mount, Ryszard Ulman.

I recently moved to Kotlina Kłodzka, where my partner and I are creating a place of power - Świetlisko. The spirits of this old house and its extraordinary surroundings have begun to appear in my dreams and visions, supporting me on a daily basis in the challenges of growing a garden or renovating a house, but also during sessions with you. It is an extraordinary place, where the presence of that mystery I have been searching for all my life is as tangible as breathing in and out.

In my work, I draw knowledge from the connection with my ancestors - women, the female lineage of my grandmothers, who healed people with herbs and who themselves accompanied women during the birth and after. I use what flows through me from the world of child souls. These are images, information, insights, messages for parents-to-be, which often help them to bond with their child even before conception. I also teach parents-to-be how they themselves can communicate with the soul of their unborn child by inviting it into our world.

In shamanic sessions, on the other hand, I go into the visible and invisible worlds with the help of my power animals, spirit guides and teachers. The transmitters of knowledge and healers for me are also all the entities of nature and what is around. Whether it is a tree, a mountain stream or the stars in the summer sky...I draw on their wisdom, experience and willingness to help whether in shamanic journeys or conscious dreaming.

I believe deeply, also from my own experience, that all the answers and all the healing is within each of us, if only we are ready for it. Sometimes we need an impulse, a helping hand, a little prompting, a ceremony to wake us up from the dream of oblivion into the dream of the world we want to live in - happy, healthy, fulfilled.

If you are looking for such an impulse, a ceremony or a journey then I can do it with you and I would be honored to accompany you on it.